About WERC

Celebrating 60 Years of Talent Mobility 

Celebrating 60 Years of Talent Mobility - WERC


WERC, formerly known as Worldwide ERC, entered its 60th year with a new name, look, and vision for the future of talent mobility.

Since 1964, WERC has shaped the future of a dynamic, innovative, and growing mobility community.

Now, our new direction builds on this history and is marked by an emphasis on talent mobility in a “borderless” environment. Our impact is no longer summed up in terms of talking about employee moves and relocation, for example, transferring someone from Los Angeles to London. No, we are the organization that empowers talent to transcend boundaries—to work, live, flex, and thrive no matter where they are in the world.




Three-Year Strategic Plan

Engage: We are inviting, energizing, and connecting all professionals around the world who have business involvement in, and a curiosity about, talent mobility.

Inspire: We are raising mobility efficiency, professionalism, knowledge, and leadership to astonishing heights through state-of-the-art technology, best-practice modeling, expert insight, and respected branding.

Educate: We are curating information, developing training, building content, designing meetings, and delivering experiences that heighten competence and enlighten our mobility community.

Become a Member

We're bringing together a community of experts equipped to meet the creative, analytical, and strategic needs of the talent mobility industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate with us in 2024 and reap the benefits of a connection to the WERC community.

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10+ Educational Programs

50+ Countries Represented

2,750+ Companies Represented

5,000+ Community Members